What is RotaFish?

RotaFish is a free online tool that allows you to create and manage rotas for your team or group. You can create a rota for any type of schedule, such as work shifts, volunteer hours, or event planning. To create one now, simply click the "Create Rota" button.

How it works?

Click the headings below to learn about how to create a free rota with RotaFish:

Click here to create a free rota!


  • Free to use
  • Mobile friendly
  • Shareable links
  • Automated reminders
  • Auto-fill assistant to help draft rotas
  • No account sign-up required
  • No ads
  • No cookies

Current Limitations:

RotaFish is currently in alpha testing, so there are a few limitations to be aware of. At the moment: there's a maximum of 12 people that can sign up to be involved in a single rota, a maximum of 15 occurrences in a single rota, and a maximum of 10 roles.

Also there will be bugs! Please let us know via our contact form when (not if) you find them, and we'll do our best to fix them when we can.